Monday, 15 June 2015

Okro peppersoup (Gbagbafofo)

I first came across this soup in a fitness group when one of the members presented it as part of her meal for the day. I was intrigued! I never knew such was possible!!!
I did to do some research on its origin then came up with my own twist, fell in love with it and it has become a staple in my home as my husband loves it as well. As one of the soups that conveniently thrives without oil, I just love it!!!
Also the spiciness of this soup makes it perfect for a cold day or for someone who is under the weather.
If you've ever tasted delta peppersoup then you need to try this as you know their game is tight in peppersoup business.


2.Blended peppersoup spices (Uda, ehuru etc)
3. Ugu or scent leaf
4. Mixed meat (goat meat preferable)
5. Periwinkle (optional)
6. Fresh fish 
7. Dried catfish (optional)
8. Scotch bonnet (ata rodo)
9. Stock cube (may not need it)
10. Blended crayfish
11. Blended smoked prawns 
12. Blended dried pepper

1. Start by boiling the meat (making sure to season properly), while thats boiling chop up the okros and pepper

2. When the meat starts to soften up, add in the peppersoup spices, pepper, crayfish and prawn

3. Then the uda

4. The dried catfish 

5. Add in the fish, then stir 

6. Next the periwinkles 

7. Add in the okro and fresh pepper.. (Never over cook your okro or vegetables to retain some crunch and get more of the nutrients) cook roughly for 6mins 

8. Add in the ugu leave.. (Cook for 1-2mins more) 

9. Taste for seasoning ( I already added enough seasoning to the meat).. This is essential 

This is how you want you okro, not overcooked.. Just perfect 

I served mine with soft Eba, I love the taste and diversity of the soup. This is a refreshing change from all our typical oily soups!!!

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