Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Coconut bread

This is a guaranteed easy bake for anyone. This nutty tropical loaf gives you all the goodness of a loaf and a cake in one bake. It can be served with any spread of your choice with a hot cuppa or ice cream as a dessert.


*420g  (3 cup)plain or all-purpose flour (if using self raising leave out the baking powder and salt)
*11/2 tsp baking powder
*1/2 tsp salt
*200g (1cup) caster or granulated sugar 
*1 tsp vanilla and almond extract
*1 egg
*11/2 cup (375ml) coconut milk (homemade preferable)
*100g (1cup) coconut flakes 

1. In a bowl, measure all the ingredients then mix with a whisk or hand mixer 

2. Mix till well combined 

3. Pour into a well greased baking tin, then bake for 45-50mins or until a toothpick comes out clean 

Smells super amazing .. Leave in the tins to cool for few mins before removing and placing on a cooling rack 

Laced with my weighwatchers dairy spread, I'm tucking in!!! 

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