Friday, 20 March 2015

Nutella and crushed chilli chin chin... Baked chin chin meet deep fried chin chin

By now it should be obvious that Nutella is a regular feature in my home, they are a hit with the kids so don't be surprised by how I'm always quick to whip them out.
This was my first time making chinchin. I found tons of recipes online and it was getting a little confusing so I put on my bakers hat in deciding what would really work in achieving a crunchy deep fried or baked dough snack.
For those that don't know, chinchin is another popular West African snack consisting of a sweet or savory short dough cut into bits (some people are creative with the shapes) and deep fried. They are crunchy in texture. I'll be baking some too as I'm really on that path for oil reduction in my life!!!


500grams flour
100grams sugar 
100grams butter (room temperature)
250ml wholemilk (liquid milk)
1teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon  
1 tablespoon Nutella (optional)
1/2 teaspoon crushed chilli (optional)
1litre of vegetable oil to fry or you can bake. 


I Started by mixing most ingredients together with the exception of the cinnamon, chilli and Nutella. 

After mixing, I split the dough into two, added cinnamon to one half and the chilli/Nutella to the other to create my two variants.

I left the dough to rest for about 10mins. 

Then I added some flour to my work surface, rolled out the dough thinly and cut into little squares.
I then baked one half in the oven for 25mins at 150 electric oven Mark.

Then fried the others using a deep fryer for about 3mins. Once done, I placed the fried ones on a kitchen towel to drain off excess oil and cool.

Here are my finished products, don't they look just great?
I must say my house had the most divine smell and the taste was awesome.
I personally preferred the baked ones as they were crunchier and I didn't have to deal with the guilt of eating all that oil!!!