There are different ways of cooking ogbono and there are a lot of vegetables and extras that can be added depending on personal preference eg bitter leaf, ugu, kale, okra, spinach, mushroom.
To enhance the earthy taste, ground dried shrimp/ crayfish is essential, dried fish and/or stock fish is highly recommended for a fingerlicking treat.
Many people swear by the fact that it tastes even better on the day after cooking, I wonder why though. If you have any clue, let us know.
Ogbono soup is one that is much appreciated for its unique taste and difference from most other soup because of its viscosity (thick and drawy). As with most African soups, the richer your ingredients, the better your soup. Anything from bush meat, dried fish, prawns, cow skin, cow legs to turkey comes highly recommended in churning up this amazing soup!!!
Ogbono seeds
Stock cubes
Dried chilli pepper
Uda (optional)
Bonga fish
Dried fish
Palm oil
Mixed meat
Bitterleaves (or any other leaves of your choice)
Step1. (If using meat broth/stock the process remains the same but don't add in stock cubes, unless it is necessary ). Add in the crayfish, uda, stock cube, bonga fish, pepper.. Allow to boil, while you prepare the ogbono.
Step 2. Blend the ogbono, and add in slightly heated palm oil to break up any lumps.
Step 3. Now add in the meat, if you haven't already.
Step ;. Then the stock fish.. Cover pot with lid and allow to boil for few more mins
Step 5. Now add in the ogbono.. Stir and slow to cook for 7-10mins.. (Tip: of too thick add in little water at a time).
Step 6. Add in the bitter leaves or any leaves of your choice.. Cook for another 2mins and the soup is ready....
Finally!!!!!... Yummy finished product, served in Africa earth pot
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